How effective is Hemp alone...without THC

Tru Blue Hemp offers a complete line of Full Spectrum CBD Oil products. These are full strength so you get the full benefit. We believe "strip the plant...hinder the benefit".
There are over 100 phytocannabinoids (plant based) in the hemp plant. Recently, the extraction of hemp oil phytocannabinoids has been (rightfully) getting a lot of attention relating to its effectiveness for treating many health issues we see a lot of in our society. It works great for our four-legged friends as well. It stands to reason when you consider that the phytocannabinoids from the plant evolved along with our own bodies endocannabinoid system. The plant benefits our bodies in huge ways. Even U.S. states known for being very conservative (like Florida and Georgia) have recently considered allowing hemp oil as medicine for children with seizures.
Our customers who make Tru Blue Hemp products part of their every day regimen proclaim significant benefits in health issues such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, heart arrhythmia, migraine, aches & pains, sleeplessness, shakes, anxiety, stress, anti-inflammatory benefits, and much more. It seems the list keeps growing. We believe that our all natural Full Spectrum Hemp Oil Extract is the best and greatest benefit you can give yourself.
Yet, when it comes to extracting the best quality hemp oil, not everyone agrees with the recent trend of further refining, filtering, and removal of essential and important parts of the hemp plant.
In this fantastic podcast (embedded below) broadcasted live from last month’s Spannabis event in Barcelona, hosts David Kowalsky of the Cannabis Network Radio and Danny Danko of High Times spent some time talking about the CBD trend with doctor and researcher Guillermo Velasco of Complutense University of Madrid. Professor Velasco is currently one of the doctors responsible for finding that cannabis kills cancer cells in animal models.
“One thing that I advocate to people when it comes to cannabis as medicine is whole plant medicine,” explained Kowlasky. “You need the whole plant as medicine. People are focusing very much on THC-free medicine in the States, with THC removed. In essence that’s just hemp paste.”
Velasco’s response to this idea is quite fascinating. At around the 24 minute mark, he explains: “In my opinion as a scientist, I’ve been working with [cannabis] for quite a long time. THC is the compound that has the most potent anti-cancer activity. CBD is helping—we tried a lot of combinations of THC and CBD because it’s good for avoiding the side effects of the therapy […] but, definitely THC is important.”
If you have any questions or simply would like to chat about this topic, please do not hesitate to call us at 502-234-1152.
Tru Blue Hemp Team