Say Goodbye to Aches and Pains: Natural Remedies for Old Age
Whether it’s hearing a joint pop or feeling a pull in a muscle when you stand up, developing aches and pains just seems to be a natural part of aging. Unfortunately, these aches and pains can make it hard to do the things you love.
So what can you do to say goodbye to aches and pains? We’ll look at some simple natural remedies you can use to start feeling better.
What Causes Aches and Pains as We Age?
As we age, our bodies start to wear down. This can lead to conditions such as arthritis, tendinitis, and bursitis. Other conditions, including fibromyalgia and even the flu, can cause discomfort.
When your body is aging, it has a hard time repairing itself. This means that even overusing your muscles and pushing yourself too hard can also lead to pain.
What Are the Four Causes of Pain in the Elderly?
Pain in the elderly can stem from a number of different causes. However, they can be grouped into four main causes: arthritis, disease, infections, and injuries. Both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are common, though osteoarthritis is more common in older people. If you’re suffering from arthritis, you may face stiff and swollen joints.
Unfortunately, there is a wide variety of diseases that can lead to pain. A key hallmark of fibromyalgia is widespread pain. However, cancer, bowel disease, circulatory problems, and more can cause pain.
Infections can cause pain in the area they are originating in. But even internal infections such as urinary tract infections can cause pain.
Finally, injuries are a top cause of pain. Unfortunately, pain and other conditions can make additional injuries more likely, causing a problematic cycle. Plus, pain can come from both recent and old injuries as they flare up.
Why Do I Have Aches and Pains as I Get Older?
There are many reasons that aches and pains become more prominent as people age. However, two of the most common conditions that lead to pain are arthritis and tendonitis. Both of the conditions are caused by inflammation.
Outside of these conditions, aches and pains occur because it’s a natural part of aging. Our bones become more brittle and less flexible while our muscles are tighter. Plus, our tendons and ligaments are less elastic. All of these factors make us less flexible and more prone to injury and pain.
In addition, healthy exercise when we’re younger can help push off these kinds of pains and keep us strong. But as we age, we might not exercise as much. Alternatively, we may exercise too much or push ourselves too hard while not caring for our bodies.
At What Age Do People Get Aches and Pains?
Aches and pains can start to develop quite early in some people. But, for most people, significant pain can begin around age 40. Some people start to experience back pain in the morning around this time and even as early as their 30s. You may also be stiff after playing sports or lifting heavy things. These kinds of pains tend to continue through your 50s.
As you reach age 60, osteoarthritis becomes more common, though it can appear earlier. Many people have very stiff and swollen joints that can impact everyday activities. These kinds of aches and pains continue to get worse as we continue to age. It’s critical to support healthy activity while not pushing yourself too hard.
Natural Remedies for Aches and Pains
Since some over-the-counter medications can provide side effects like upset stomach, they can be unpleasant to take for long periods of time. Luckily, these natural remedies for aches and pains can help provide the relief you’re looking for without the harsh side effects.
Heat Therapy
Applying heat is an age-old source of relief for many kinds of pain. People in the past sought out hot springs and created saunas as a way to take advantage of this effect long before the science behind it was fully understood.
Heat therapy reduces pain by opening constricted blood vessels and increasing blood flow. This makes it especially effective in soothing joint stiffness from osteoarthritis. Heat also works to soothe sore muscles and can be a great remedy for both short and long-term lower back pain.
You can use heat therapy in the form of heat wraps or heating pads. An old-fashioned hot water bottle is also an effective way to soothe aches and pains.
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Cold Therapy
If you’re dealing with swelling, inflammation, and pain from an injury, cold therapy is the route to try. Ice reduces pain from muscle strains, sprains, and sciatica, tendinitis, and bursitis.
Apply ice when the pain sets in to get the most relief. An ice pack or pack of frozen peas can be applied on and off for 20 minutes. Make sure to leave time between icing sessions, as applying ice for too long can be hazardous.
To get an even greater impact from cold therapy, you may also want to alternate heat and cold therapy. Applying a cold compress and then applying a heating pad afterward can potentially have more of an impact than either would on their own. This can serve as a solution for some particularly troublesome aches.

Your muscles may tense up and spasm when you feel anxious or stressed. Massage can help reduce this stress, giving you time to relax and release your tense muscles. In addition, a cramped muscle may benefit from massage as a way to release it.
The evidence for massage as pain relief is still active and evolving, though it appears optimistic. Anecdotally, many people find it to be a very effective form of pain relief. It may be a natural remedy for you to try for yourself. You can use at-home massage tools for a quick DIY remedy or book a session with a professional massage therapist.
Turmeric contains curcumin, which studies have shown can reduce pain. These studies show turmeric may be effective against pain from a variety of conditions, including sciatica and diabetic neuropathy.
You can use turmeric in several forms. Its distinctive flavor makes it a favorite in Indian dishes. When you mix the spice with black pepper, it may be even more effective. If you’re feeling adventurous, you may want to try whipping up a dish that uses this spice.
If you want an easier route, you can also use turmeric in a supplement form, as part of a CBD tincture, or as a tea.
Looking for a great way to combine the benefits of both CBD and Turmeric? Try our CBD with Turmeric Tincture. Taken daily, it’s an excellent way to reduce pain and inflammation.
CBD may be another therapy to consider trying to ease your aches and pains. Animal studies have shown that CBD may help reduce inflammation and relieve pain due to conditions such as arthritis. People who use it have reported pain relief, improvement in their sleep, and even anxiety reduction.
One of the benefits of using CBD for pain relief is that there are various methods to choose from. Pain creams can be applied directly to the affected muscles and joints. Alternatively, you could use a tincture, gummies, or honey sticks. You could even choose a tincture with turmeric to get extra pain relief.
What Is the Best Medicine for Old-Age Body Pain?
There are a variety of medicines that can treat pain that is caused by old age. Many general pain relief options will help with this. However, it is worth noting that most pain relief medications simply mask the source of the pain rather than addressing it.
So, any medicine that directly addresses the issues relating to the source of the pain will be the most helpful. For example, CBD helps reduce inflammation. This, in turn, causes the pain from inflammation to lessen. In this way, it helps with pain relief in a more direct and effective way.
What Home Remedy Can I Use for Muscle Pain in Old Age?
Home remedies for pain range depending on the type of pain. Some types can be directly addressed by making a lifestyle change. For example, some types of arthritis or back pain are due to posture, so changing posture can help eliminate or mitigate these problems. Meanwhile, pain from weaker muscles can be addressed by getting more exercise.
What’s the Fastest Natural Remedy?
If you want to say goodbye to your aches and pains for good, you must treat the underlying causes. In the short term, you can take steps to get rid of the pain. One of the fastest ways to eliminate aches is to stretch and exercise lightly. This can increase blood flow to the affected areas.
In addition, you could try:
- Walking or swimming
- Doing shoulder rolls and arm exercises
- Taking a warm bath

Dealing With Weakness and Fatigue
Unfortunately, weakness and fatigue can compound with age-related aches and pains, making you feel even worse. With various conditions, including heart disease and insomnia, leading to these feelings, taking action and caring for your body is important.
Often, the best way to deal with muscle weakness and fatigue is by practicing self-care for both your body and brain. This will help you improve your mood and energy levels.
Luckily, there are a variety of strategies you can incorporate into your life, including:
- Regular exercise
- Staying hydrated
- Following a healthy diet full of nutritious foods
- Reducing alcohol intake, especially at night
- Establishing a good sleep routine
- Reducing stress
Get Rid of Your Aches and Pains Naturally
As we get older, it’s natural to develop aches and pains. Luckily, you can take steps to reduce the pain and increase your mobility. Effective natural remedies include heat or ice therapy, CBD, and massage. Try a few different methods and see which works best for you.
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